The North Olmsted Community Orchestra in 1963. Roberta Beckman, with the help of her son Karl, has identified many who are pictured here. Front Row: Roberta Beckman (violin), unidentified violin, Dottie Kriechbaum (violin), Julia Chekey (violin), John Sinclair (violin), and Laura Leonard (cello). Second Row: Wolf Moeckel (violin), Wally Wentworth (violin), unidentified violin, Marilyn Albers (violin), Jo Elliott (violin), Will Stuart (violin), Abby Sissman (flute), Joe Novotny (clarinet), and two unidentified clarinets. Third row: Bill Morgan (violin), unidentified violin, Eloise Nokes (violin), Fred Mitchell (violin), followed by two unidentified violins. Casey Kriechbaum (trumpet), unidentified trumpet, Glenn Colerider (trumpet), Norma Muranko (trombone), Ken Nokes (euphonium), Ralph Deericks (French horn). Standing: Elaine Heeley (piano), Virginia Mitchell (piano), Charles Earley (bass horn), Hadley Richards (bass), Roger Perry (bass), and Linda Hershey (Conductor).