Originally from Elyria, Ohio, Jacob Campbell's musical journey began during his upbringing in North Port, Florida, igniting a lifelong passion for music that has been the driving force behind his career. After cultivating his musical talents in high school, Jacob earned his Bachelor of Music in Viola Performance at Jacksonville University in 2014. Eager to further his musical education and explore new horizons, he returned to his roots in Ohio to pursue postgraduate studies in Music Performance and Music Education at Cleveland State University (CSU). Under the mentorship of Dr. Victor Liva, he served as a graduate assistant, gaining valuable experience conducting both the CSU Orchestra and the Cleveland Philharmonic Orchestra.
A consummate musician, Mr. Campbell's talents extend beyond the conductor's podium. He is a devoted teacher of violin, viola, and piano, and a skilled violinist and violist, regularly performing with various musical ensembles across Northeast Ohio including the Firelands Symphony, where he is a valued member of the viola section.
Throughout his career, he has collaborated with numerous ensembles, including the North Port Symphony, Venice Symphony, Varna International Festival Orchestra, Blue Lake Festival Orchestra, TrueNorth Chamber Orchestra, Ashland Symphony Orchestra, Firelands Symphony, Akron Symphony, Mansfield Symphony, and Snowbelt Symphony.